This weekend we drove out to a farm in Langley and picked out a pumpkin or two. There were chickens, cows and turkeys and it was so great to be out of doors on such a beautiful day! The leaves were out in full colour and even my orange shoe laces seemed to fit right in. We also managed to buy about 10 pounds of apples: some beautiful sour & juicy
Sundance and some tart cooking apples called
Bramley Seedlings. I've been making fresh applesauce every morning for my toasted oats & yogurt (+ a hit of maple syrup). Delicious!
Labels: fall autumn leaves
Apple sauce! Oh how I miss the apple sauce my Mom used to make for me when I was a little girl! :)
I absolutely love the photo! So representative of Autumn!
Your breakfasts always sound so hearty and satisfying...all I usually have is a bowl of muesli or granola with soy or almond milk...an hour later I'm hungry again!
Love this pic, esp the shoelaces! Maybe I'll make it my desktop pic for this week if you don't mind.
Melinda, apple sauce is so easy! I like it kinda chunky so I just chop up an apple, throw it in a pot with a bit of water & cinnamon and let it simmer for a bit. Easy!
Thanks Bijoux! I get hungry again too. It's so weird, I always thought oatmeal was supposed to be so filling, but I'm usually hungry after a bit too!
Ah, thanks so much Maija. Please, use it, I'm super flattered :)
yay! we went to maple ridge... i got to sink my fingers into gorgeous thick coats of black sheep!
lovely pic. they totally fit in! :)
I'm a bit of a sucker for feet photos too (I even have a little slide-show going on on my blog, ha!) but this one is particularly gorgeous.
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