So I have a few cute tops that I'd like to sell. Nothing is fancy or expensive, just some basics that I want to get rid of. Like this super awesome top that when washed got shorter by an inch or so which for a long-torso'd gal like me just doesn't work. So, where do you get rid of your clothes? Ebay? Craigslist? Local consignment shop? Or do I just send them off to the downtown eastside charity like always? What should I do?
Labels: clothes, fashion
I usually go the consignment route, and if there's anything left over, I give it to the Salvation Army.
We have 'Buffalo Exchange' around here. I throw myself to the mercy of the uber hip clothing buyers & what they don't want goes to St. Vincent de Paul's.
Tanvi, I'll try taking my stuff to a local shop & see what happens. Thanks!
Geisha Me, I wish we had a Buffalo Exchange or a similar type of shop here. I'd love instant cash.
I have tried consignment shop, Ebay, Craigslist, and yard sales. They all seem to take way more time than they are worth for little return. So, I now just give my stuff either to people I know will like it or straight to Goodwill (charitable organization).
I hope that helps!
In March I hosted a clothing swap. It's a great way to de-stash some lightly used clothing and give them a second life. Invite your friends over for some cake and tea, catch up on gossip and swap clothing. Whatever was leftover (I had 2 huge garbage bags full of unwanted clothes) I donated to the Ontario Diabetes Association.
I've always been curious about selling on Ebay, but I just don't know if I can be bothered! I say consignment, there's that new one on The Drive that I was thinking of taking some stuff to and then donating the rest. Good luck!
I second the clothing swap idea! I've been to 4-5 and hosted 2 myself. They're a great way to give away clothes and pick up some new things too...and it's fun to catch up with your friends.
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