I don't have a good photo of my office set-up, so I can't show you just how non-ergonomic my office really is. I spend way too much time working at my computer and I've decided that I've got to start setting things up properly. After reading
this article, I'll need to place a shelf under my computer so the monitor is at eye-level and I really, really need a good office chair. Ideally, it wouldn't be too ugly or too expensive. Any good ideas where to get a great (ie. comfortable) office chair?
Labels: office chair
Herman Miller makes great ergonomic chair called the Aeron!!
Herman Miller Workplace Resource of Vancouver
Suite 100
1035 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 2M6
Tel 604 683 8300
Fax 604 683 7001
E-mail vancouver_info@hermanmiller.com
Site www.hermanmiller.com/canada
eeek! My apologies, I just checked out the cost of the Aeron...ummm, on second thought, have a look at the Ergon 3, it's about 1/3 the price of the Aeron.
yeah, the aeron chair is legendary and really freaking expensive. they have used ones on craigslit for $650 but that's still too much at the moment.
hi there!
i must tell you that i've been checking your blog for a little while now... i can't even remember how i found it now, but it's its title that made me stay ... but i digress.
I have a very similar set up for my home office (with the apple!) and i've found that a lazy suzie from ikea is a really great addition to help keep your computer at eye level (plus it allows you to easily show your screen to someone farther away by turning the lazy suzie!)
An less expensive office chair that I like is the Simple Chair by Keilhauer.
It has less bells and whistles though which some debate makes it not a proper task chair - I sat in it at my old office and loved it. It should be less than $500 if you can get a design discount.
A less expensive Herman Miller chair is the Mirra - I'm not a big fan but we have it at our office and its much less than the Aeron.
Just please don't buy a chair from office depot. Those things are crap!
I don't have a particularly nice office chair, so I can't help you in that regard. But, just writing to comment that I really love what I see of your office.
cc, thanks for the tip! i love the fact that it's a lazy susan. nice!
rawbean, i like that simple chair. i'll see if i can find out more!
pugly, thanks :)
When I studied ergonomics and furniture design at OCAD, one of the important factors in picking out a good desk chair was that the back of the chair follow the natural s-shape of your spine, lower lumbar support is also very important. Your feet should also be flat on the floor in front of you at all times. The seat of your chair should rest just behind your knees, a 1.5-inch gap separating the front of your seat with the back of your knees and your knee should create a 90 degree angle with the floor. That being said, a Theraband yoga ball (as a seat) also works well in strengthening your core muscles and keeping the alignment of your spine in proper posture plus they are inexpensive and plenty of fun to sit on.
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