crafty girl on a bike

My friend Kristen and her boyfriend Ryan are riding their bikes down to Mexico from Vancouver, BC. They have a travel journal at and on their short pitstop in Portland, OR, Kristen has decided to open an etsy shop, craftygirlonabike, to help fund their 6 month journey. My apartment has lots of quality, hand-sewn Kristen crafts and I love them all. You will too, so buy lots and help these 2 crazy bikers get to Mexico!
hmmm...a biking trip from Canada to Mexico. I have to give these folks a pat on the back. Jeez, talk about roughing it.
You really gotta love biking in order to be willing to make a trip like that.
You also gotta be a person who does not mind sleeping in a tent or in a sleeping bag and possibly going for days without shaving and showering.
Not my cup of tea... :)
I'm too lazy for that kind of strenuous activity. But I am in awe!
On another note, I really do like the cute little felt animals n' stuff that are on "crafty girl's" shop. It's a great idea to post an Etsy shop and sell her crafts there.
Do you think she can make a mermaid? I have always wanted a tuquoise felt mermaid with a sparkly tail to hang up in my bathroom.
If not, then I'll pick something from the existing collection...there a couple that I'm drawn to.
I have no idea if she can do a mermaid - you can always email her! But I'm gonna assume not since she's working with the materials she's got with her and her own patterns too.
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