a sweet not

I like to use this journal to keep track of things I treasure or value or just want to keep close to me. But this post is anything but...except maybe a reminder to stay the hell away! After reading poco-cocoa's top 5 food list, I figured that I should actually give kettle corn a chance and when I spotted some at the Gourmet Warehouse, I immediately picked some up. True, I'm sure fresh kettle corn is a heavenly thing, but yikes, this was a big $3.99 mistake. From what little I know of kettle corn, it should be sweet & salty...but this bag of SweetPops is only sweet...despite any claims to being salty on the bag. Too sweet in fact. I feel like I have to brush my teeth and eat a whole bag of salty pretzels to counteract the sugar rush I got from this popcorn. SweetPops is a sweet not in my book.
Maybe pork rinds might have been a better choice ?
Kernals makes a sweet&salty corn...you may want to give that a try its pretty good.
Theres a Kernals at the Pacific Mall.
Oh, I'm so sorry you wasted your money! I've never tried packaged kettle corn...and now I know not to. :)
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