It's chilly in our apartment and both Cornelius and I are really stingy about turning on the heat. We keep the heat in our apartment off most of the time, but will end up cranking it in our office since that's where we are most of the day. Most of the heat loss seems to go out of the windows and our windows do seem to let in a lot of chilly air (even with our double-paned windows).

I've been considering getting some heavy lined drapes for our livingroom since always the coldest room in the house. But then I spotted a
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Not Martha about using bubble wrap to help insulate windows during the winter. I liked that it was an easy, inexpensive fix that still let light through.

We ended up installing the bubble wrap (which we purchased at an office supply store) on most windows, but we left one window pane exposed in every room so it would be easy to open the windows or clearly see out of. The difference in temperature is quite noticeable. We can be in the living room watching movies and we don't need to turn on the heat unless it gets really cold. And in our small office where we keep the door closed, we so far have not needed to turn on the heat. It's been pretty amazing for such a small fix!
**UPDATE**Now that some colder weather has set upon us, we do have the heat on, however, the window covering really does keep the heat in without letting the cold enter. Over all, I'm super impressed, and yes, the pattern is pretty frickin cool.
Labels: diy, heat, save money, winter