Every year I always wonder what the birthday plan will be. In the past it's been picnics, shuffleboard, and sleepovers. This year, I figured why not a bike gang? My friend suggested a make-out party, and while a teenage macking party sounds kinda appealing it also sounds kinda awful. Bike gang it is!!
So we'll pack up our baskets and panniers with picnic food, cake and beer and head out en masse around the city. We'll stop at beaches and parks and ride around and have fun. I'm excited because the weather looks amazing, finally. It's sunny and warm out today and it looks just as promising for tomorrow. I've got one cake baked and another in the oven (though because I don't have 3 cake pans of identical size, I'm baking in 3 parts. Yeesh.) A good reminder to buy at least one more 8" cake pan next time I see one at the thrift store. I'll talk more about cake on my food blog (surely). But I hope everyone has a great weekend and I hope that you can get in some picnics and bike rides this weekend. Happy birthday to me!!!
Labels: bike gang, birthday, cake, make-out party