the upside to low expectations

Here's a list of a few movies that I've watched recently.
- Batman Begins. This is the very first Batman movie I've seen. I really liked it and now I can't wait to see the new one.
- Eagle vs Shark. When this came out I really wanted to see it and then I heard bad things about it, so I didn't. Low expectations whatever, I liked it. Plus it stars my favorite big-lipped New Zealander, Jemaine. Swoon!
- The Future is Unwritten. This movie made me like the Clash just a little bit less, Joe Strummer, especially. I saw another Clash doc a year ago that I liked better, but this was still a good movie.
- My Kid Could Paint That. A really good documentary. Saw it twice.
- Shoot 'Em Up. LOVED this movie. Didn't know a thing about it, but it was totally fun and exciting to watch.
- Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Thought it wouldn't be that good, but I really liked it a lot. So funny, especially if you think penises are funny (who doesn't?).
- In Bruges. Truth is I only saw this movie because I actually loved Bruges when we visited last year. I came for the tourism but stayed for the whole movie. Not a comedy, not a drama. Enjoyable.
- Billy Childish is Dead. This is a really great documentary of artist/punk musician Billy Childish.
Labels: movies