Friday, November 28, 2008

The Clean - Tally Ho (1981)

I'm stalling because I don't want to go outside into the pouring rain. This will get me moving for sure....just maybe not in the right direction.

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The Clean - Beatnik

Listening to the Clean always make me happy. I've never seen this video before so yay!

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Monday, November 24, 2008

new cards in shop

Everyone is out there making babies! Send your knocked up friend/partner this card. Spread the joy with a bit of an evil grin.

I love balloons. So I finally did a card with balloons. Happy Birthday. Simple enough.

And once again in pink cuz balloons always look better in pink.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

regional soda pops: spruce beer & cheerwine

When a friend of ours was heading to Montreal a few weeks ago, my husband asked him to pick up some spruce beer. Cornelius had a hankering for it from when he worked as a bike courier in Montreal. He'd stop by the local casse-croute and pick up a steamie and a spruce beer as an after-work treat.

I had heard so much about spruce beer so I was eager to try some. Our friend brought back 3 different brands for us to try. The only one we tried was 2 litre bottle, a no-name supermarket brand, that we split with friends on Halloween. It was way too sweet but it had potential...if you like the strong taste of pine. Crazy as it sounds, we still haven't tried the other two artisinal brands, although Cornelius (and most of Montreal) swears by the Bertrand brand (now available only at Paul's Patates). When we do crack open those 2 bottles, I think I'll make a whole meal out of it with some poutine and steamies.

As for the Cheerwine, it's a pretty fantastic cherry soda from North Carolina. Luckily, you can purchase it at Pine State Biscuits in Portland, OR (which is much closer to home than NC). As I can attest to, it makes the best ice cream floats. My best friend moved to Durham so she could attend library school, so I think I've got to make a NC visit within the next year and a half. She says you can get Cheerwine floats everywhere there. Dreamsville!

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

i'd rather be anywhere but here

It's Sunday night and I actually have work that I should be doing, but instead I'm procrastinating. It's Sunday for goodness sakes! So I'm compiling a list of things I'd rather be doing instead, like visiting the newly redesigned AGO by Frank Gehry in Toronto. I'm also still sick (but getting better!). I voted yesterday in the civic election and voter apathy was well, apathetic. 26% of Vancouver-ites went out to vote. Way to go! The election results were totally based on socio-economic lines as this map points out. The wealthy west-side voted conservative (with the exception of the wealthy old hippies in Kits) and the poor east-side voted in Vision/COPE. Luckily, the east-side won. Way to go East Van!!

Now the rest of my evening should be relegated to work. Or I could just watch The Savages. Hmmm. I think I know the answer to that conundrum!

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


There's so much to do and I just don't know where to begin. The cold that never really took hold 2 weeks ago is still doing it's darnedest to keep me hanging on. Let me go, sore throat, I'm just not that into you. Plus, I've got emails to write, packages to package up and mail out and work to do. I've got so many fun ideas swirling around in my head so I've also got to set up some time to just draw and go with it.

Vancouver is grey today. Instead I'll be looking at this photo which makes me so so happy.

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Friday, November 07, 2008

total spazzzzzz

So earlier this week, I was ready to send out my email newsletter for The Beautiful Project. But then, I realized that I hated the design...not just of the email but of the whole dang website. I've hated it since the moment I designed it (it was designed & coded in one hour this past summer and you really do get what you pay for!) So earlier this week I designed a whole new website (which isn't ready to go live yet since it will require all kinds of fancy features like online ordering for retail shops), but I did redo the site to the more current design so everything is nice and branded. I also re-coded the eletter and it will be ready to go out live next week. Have you signed up? Go now and do it! Did I say I was a spaz? I really, really am.

I'm also featured in the local free entertainment weekly along with a host of other Vancouver bloggers. You can read the interview here.

We're also heading to Portland tonight with friends for the long weekend. On our last vacation we went there with the same friends and had a great time, so I'm sure it will be a blast. King Khan and the Shrines will be playing there this weekend and while it seems funny to be seeing a Toronto band in Portland, I think it will be a great show.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

i can't vote, but you can

Well, if you are American, that is.

There's a great selection of Go Vote posters over on the AIGA site. I really like this one. And really, if you are an American, do the rest of the world a favour and vote (Obama). Thank you.

Oh, and Poppytalk wrote a nice little write up about my birthday calendar! Thank you very much.

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Saturday, November 01, 2008

scary movies

Last night we ended up watching 3 "scary" movies. By far, the best one of the bunch was Just Before Dawn. It's a nice little slasher film. Highly watchable & enjoyable.

We also watched Let's Scare Jessica To Death which was very of it's time (1971) and Idle Hands. Thanks for everyone's recommendations. All the movies I haven't seen yet will be placed on my library holds list. Thanks again!

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